pretty girl

pretty girl

Sweet Girl!

Sweet Girl!
love those chubby cheeks!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I am giving this blogging thing a try. I hope when Henley arrives, I will have some idea of what I am doing! For those of you who don't know, I was due Dec. 23rd, but because I have a mild case of toxemia (pregnancy induced high blood pressure) I am on bed rest this week and they are going to induce next Tuesday, Dec. 9th.

Cliff is still working hard-the Stephenville Yellowjackets are still in the playoffs. It has been a good thing or he would probably be driving me insane! I also want to cheer for the Loboes! We miss you guys alot! Hope everyone is good!


Tatum'sMom said...

Keep us updated!
Tatum has asked about you too!
I have forwarded this to the office so we can keep up with your progress!!!

Miss Bliss said...

This blogging thing is a pretty good way to keep everyone updated. I hope that you are feeling good. We will see you and Henley soon!!! Your life is fixing to change so much, but it is a good change!! We are rooting for the Yellowjackets too!!

cainsworth said...

Take good care of yourself! I am so excited for you and Cliff.



Pretty Dress

Pretty Dress

2 months old

2 months old

February 2009

February 2009